Nuclear Cleaning
NUCLEAR CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION LIQUID, especially devised for the cleaning of several parts and for the maintenance in the ” HOT AREA ” of nuclear power stations. It is the SOLUTION to problems caused during the recuperation of waste waters.
An oil and grease DISPERSANT , excellent concentrated cleaner, on a tension-active biodegradable basis following the OCDE standards, which does not contain hydrocarbons nor chlorides.
Either pure, by pulverisation onto the object or place to be decontaminated or cleaned, or in dilution ( 1 part of product to 10 parts water ). May also be used in premixing with water for projection by means of firehouse for inst. or mechanical cleaners.
The emulsion of oil and grease happens in a few seconds (splitting of the molecular mass)
The result is perfectly biodegradable and fully absorbed by micro-organisms; it may be disposed of through the normal channels (drains, gutters, etc…) for so far the treated residues allow it ( per example cleaning in non contaminated areas ).
NUCLEAR CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION LIQUID, especially devised for the cleaning of several parts and for the maintenance in the ” HOT AREA ” of nuclear power stations. It is the SOLUTION to problems caused during the recuperation of waste waters.
An oil and grease DISPERSANT, excellent concentrated cleaner, on a tension-active biodegradable basis following the OCDE standards, which does not contain hydrocarbons nor chlorides.
Meets the REQUIREMENTS for HOT AREA, in the cleaning and decontamination of walls, floors, windows, basins, containers, several machinery and parts , ensuring an appreciable result. Evacuates the superficial radioactivity from all surfaces.
Officially reknowned as valuable nuclear decontaminating agent by ” A.E.A. ” technology decommissioning and Waste Management ( Winfrith-Dorchester –UK)